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Tie-By 2.5lb

  • Contains ingredients known for their ability to retard lactic acid accumulation, while improving oxygen utilization by the muscle.
  • Enhances the ability of insulin to lower serum glucose levels.
  • Aids in the metabolism of glucose for energy.
  • Peak lactic acid concentrations are significantly lower in horses supplemented with the active ingredients in Tie-BY than those that are not.
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Tying Up can appear as anything from a horse that is starting to walk a bit short in one or both back legs; to a horse that’s completely immobilized, even down and unable to rise.They show signs of pain by sweating, eyes appear wide open and by flared nostrils.Traditionally, the causes of tying up have been related to electrolyte imbalance, lactic acid build up, too little oxygen getting to the muscles, abnormal muscle metabolism and Vitamin E & Selenium deficiences.

 There is gathering evidence that the active ingredients in Tie-BY may have a positive impact on horses that routinely tie-up. 

Tie-BY’s unique and powerful formula:

  • Contains ingredients known for their ability to retard lactic acid accumulation, while improving oxygen utilization by the muscle.
  • Enhances the ability of insulin to lower serum glucose levels.
  • Aids in the metabolism of glucose for energy.
  • Peak lactic acid concentrations are significantly lower in horses supplemented with the active ingredients in Tie-BY than those that are not.
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