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Cutheal Bug Check 2lb

Promotes and Maintains Healthy Skin and Coat - From the Inside, Out!
Free Shipping With $100 Purchase:

Horses & Cattle: 

When starting this product, top-dress at the rate of 1 scoop or more daily per 1000 lbs. of body weight for two to three weeks. 
Then, maintain at an amount of 1/2 scoop or more daily. 
For difficult situations, up to 4 scoops per 1000 lbs. body weight may be given daily. 
Each scoop (provided) equals 1 oz.

Sheep & Goats:
Top-dress 1/2 scoop or more daily per head. 
Each scoop (provided) equals 1 oz.

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Free Shipping With $100 PurchaseNo
Shipping LatencyNone
Display In Stock In FrontendNo